increase on the rich. most people do not want to see their own taxes go up. most people are in favor of extending the tax cuts for the 98%. lower 98% of americans. and republicans see the writing on the wall. the republican crackup is not yet an avalanche. it is not yet a complete capitulation. but i think that john boehner understands and the republican leadership understands it s only a matter of time. but there is not much time left. richard, okay, that sounds like an inherently logical position. right. that they may be cracking, that there may be a deal done. that seeming crackage, if you will, seems to be happening among republicans who are actual legislator. right. but conservatives do not seem to be going quietly into the night. erick erickson writing on redstate has a new petition, and he has joined sean hannity in this in calling for people to fight against the reelection of john boehner as speaker of the house. he writes on his blog, we must make sure boehner does n
it reads in part in order to save the future of our country, we need to stop those in congress who aren t willing to put their foot down. well need an articulate spokesman in the house who is fiscally responsible and won t cave on principle. as your constituent, i ask you to please stand on principle and abstain from voting for speaker of the house on january 23rd. in abstention. what a march in the streets for abstention. with all due respect to the senator for redstate, the election to win was the one in november. and, you know, john boehner is a markedly more confident speaker now than he was last time around. when you have people like rand paul saying, well, there is a way we could maybe vote, but not vote, and let democrats vote, you know, this is what happened with the first clinton budget that went over so well where republicans backed out and then wanted to take claim for the economy that grew out of that clinton budget and the clinton economic policies. they are saying we re