i was like really excited. it s made me really happy. punching the air, we were in the car, she wasjust like, yes! the move follows advice to ministers expert ones thejoint committee for vaccine and immunisation. |vaccination of children and young | people can bring benefits to other people such as adults and including parents and grandparents, - but at the forefront is the health and benefits to children - and young people themselves. but only last month, thejcvi said the benefits did not outweigh the risks. we mustn t forget that the summer wave as we experiencing now, - was also quite uncertain about four weeks ago and now we have more i information on that, so it s notjust new data on one point, but it s new data i across the range of factors that influence advice. the committee looked at more vaccine
whether you should show your emotion, or you should show your strength. and i think at the time where she was coming up, she was always in this position of needing to show her strength. and that s the call that she made in real time there. and have you talked to her about the book, read the book or how she is second guessing herself now? i haven t read it. i have talked to her about it. she was doing it. and i think that i m very interested to see to see it. i m excited for her that she did choose to go ahead and put herself out there and explain the decisions that she made, how she felt in real time. and see what happens. i got to tell you, the reaction normally is a i do disagree with ann gearen on one point. it is not true that when hillary shows her true emotion, she gets good press. i wish it were.
classified information to get those memos out there, what he gave to the law professor is responsible or reasonable at this point. i think the fbi director knows what is classified and what isn t. i don t think he ever have done that. harris: it s less about that to them whether it was government property that he was sharing. paraphrasing. so how much can you really put in a book? accusations of a double standard now rocking the russia investigations, president trump is criticizing the mainstream media for its coverage of his son s meeting within the attorney. linked to the kremlin. link to being aware that no one has proven yet. and wondering why reporters are ignoring hillary clinton s emails part of the president tweeted this. meanwhile, the presidents lawyer, jay secular, we have seen him a couple of times defending donald trump, jr., comparing his meaning to another where a dnc consult and exchange
the people behind the scenes that try to go in and have influence, whatever else. all i know is that most people in america are really sick of hearing about russia. they would like to hear about health care and tax reform. they would like everybody to get back to work. i m not saying that it is a nonissue in that it does not deserve attention, or whatever. but the dominance over it over the work that needs to be done is embarrassing. jessica: i agree with that point. america would also like the president to get off of his twitter account. over 70% of americans say that his twitter account hurts yes, the polls were right at the election. they said she would win by two points, that s what she won by. it is true. sandra: news flash, did not win. jessica: no, i didn t know. i mean that she won the popular vote. the fact that the president went on twitter to talk about john, jr., talking about make america, the u.s. manufacturing. i know that we will talk about
sandra: senator rand paul cautioning the president on overselling the g.o.p. plan. i would caution about overselling what is going to happen. i have been in health care for 20 years as a physician. it was in terrible shape before obamacare, got worse under obamacare. the republican plan admits that it will continue. but they say, hey, guys, we are going to subsidize it. we will dump billions of dollars into the insurance companies and say police charge less and try to counteract the death spiral, but the republican plan does not fix the spiral of obamacare. it simply subsidizes it. sandra: does rand paul go too far? ron: i think he has a point. if you look at the regulatory structure he of obamacare, it is a perverse system. that s why healthy people are dropping out. you have to fix the underline system. i think both the house and senate bills, they do not fix it. they say, states can wave out and try to create solvent markets. if you do not have solvent