withdraw $15,000 from the bank. accused of assaulting the youngest daughter, michaela, has been blaming hayes for escalating the violence and being the one who poured the gasoline and lit the fire that ignited the home and left the daughters to die of smoke inhalation. the defense is taking a much different approach than the trial last year, they are aggressive and will cross-examine pettitte today. they ve also been complaining about the doctor and his family members wearing pins to honor his family calling them the posse. the prosecution clearly objecting to that type of language being used in front of jurors, the judge is allowing them to leave those pins on. and also the defense is about to cross-examine dr. pettitte, that was something that they had wanted to limit the testimony today in describing his life before the home invasion. they lost that bid. the doctor just telling jurors about his life before this home invasion. he had a home that is no longer
and daughter and details also on other victims including this composite sketch of a young asian male who they say had missing teeth and signs of trauma. this case started as a search for a missing woman w still hasn t been found. as cops were looking for shannon gilbert today s less they made one gruesome discovery after another. four other women wrapped in burlap dumped on ocean beach on long island. all women believed to have been working at escorts somewhere else, hidden in brush. skeletal remains of a girl 18 to 24 months old were turned up. we heard from richard dormer who says they are making progress. this is not a television show where everything is solved in an hour, this takes painstaking hours of detective work, forensic work. we are doing that as we speak and we will continue that