of the people to right its financial institutions to such a degree that you were deemed too big to fail, too large to fail, and yet you turn around and boomerang justice and throw back at us the willful disregard and oblivion to the plight and predick pt of everyday normal people, medicare and medicaid. you are going to congress to make an argument in behalf of protecting the billionaires in this country and the rich people against the masses of people who bailed you out. i think this is the height of unpatriotic fervor and we ought to call it for what it is. this is un-american. karen, it s not just mr. blankfein and his ilk wish to cut social security, the group he s working with, a consortium of budget cutting ceos, are also looking for cuts to corporate income tax. this is brilliant, isn t it? apparently all the shell games they are already engaging
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mad and it s going to depend on what the details are and i think dr. peterson is right here that you don t have a false equivalence but sometimes to get a deal through you have to yield a little bit. the question is how much. the president has been talking about that compromise. dr. peterson, while the president met with small business owners today, speaker boehner got a visit from some nude protesters decrying budget cuts to aids funding. so i guess the negotiations are quite lively, are they not? they are. and these protesters are raising the real issues of humanity that we we need to have more humanity in these discourses. i ll concede the point that it s not a false equivalency but the way we are talking about the fiscal cliff is we re not acknowledging what our priorities need to be. so, for instance, if we cut military spending the way the fiscal cliff will, that is not quite as detrimental as eradicating or irrevocably changing medicare and medicaid. they re just not equal
bank. now he s heading back to capitol hill to repay his debt to the american people, and he s doing it by calling for drastic cuts to medicare, medicaid, and social security. we re back with our panel, ari melber, karen finney, and professor michael eric dyson. professor, can you help me with this because i m a simple soldier. four years ago wall street nearly destroys the economy. this led to big budget deficits. now one of wall street s biggest figures, mr. blankfein, is going to washington to help lawmakers reduce the budget deficit and his solution so to cut perhaps for the poor and middle class. have i got that right? you got it right. we ought to blank him out on his blank behind. the reality is this, that this man is representative of the inability of the upper strata of america to understand what goes on with the rest of the world. you are a recipient of corporate welfare. you are a recipient of government largess. you are a recipient of the will
is what ultimately what s going to be done, but right now grover norquist is a marginal player. thanks for inviting me tonight, martin. congressman jim moran from virginia. thank you so much. you bet. we ll be right back. now we need a little bit more. [ male announcer ] at humana, we understand the value of quality time and personal attention. which is why we are proud to partner with health care professionals who understand the difference that quality time with our members can make. that s a very nice cake! ohh! [ giggles ] [ male announcer ] humana thanks the physicians, nurses, hospitals, pharmacists and other health professionals who helped us achieve the highest average star rating among national medicare companies. and become the first and only national medicare advantage company to achieve a 5-star rating for a medicare plan. your efforts result in the quality of care and service we re able to provide. which means better health outcomes.