this is a fascinating trend one harvard s admission officer said he knew a high school who had 100 valedictorians. amber, what is happening here. i think what s happening is we he we are caring more about not hearing feelings and carrying more about equity than rewarding excellence. having a valedictorian is awarding the top honor to the top ranked child. we need to keep our emphasis there and not worry about whether or not we are going to hurt some children s feelings. we need to continue to be competitive in this country. we need to continue to worry about being globally competitive. a lot of our other industrialized nations are beating up on us on international tests. and we re caring about hurting feelings here and not about competition. and china and japan and other countries are not worried about competition. they are encouraging it which is something we need to do as well. dave: critics one valedictorian says it creates too much pressure and competition. aren t those healt