arrived to go to where that person is in the united states and those migrants receive very strong dock yu mumentation on hy must proceed in the future, which according to the government will be a deportation process. i spoke to these people out, and they just talk about the hell, the hell that they went through coming through mexico and into the united states, and when they have left their countries, and the majority come from el salvador, and guatemala and honduras and the majority have come from honduras, and they narrate a two to three-week process getting here sh, and so we have been saying that the crisis has been going on for some time and we have seen. 45,000 detained and 45,000 unaccompanied minors in the united states and the officials say as many as 90,000 could be detained by the end of this year, think of the people that are in the pipeline coming over here, and what they describe is hell. it really is. i have to ask you, because we