the offender s views are deemed to be a danger to the communist state, a real danger, they ll be arrested and if released, their passports confiscated, well, that s what they did. remember that poor cardinal joseph zen and hong kong the reflex to silence opposition voices in a totalitarian state is one thing. but now it s also the impulsevo ofic democrats here with a november blowout looming and a party on the ropes, they reem acting more like president. gee, than president kennedy or bill clinton. they rent their new motto seems to be ifms you can t beat them, use your corporate shills to. censor them. with somem. horrific shooting or a protestro that goes wrong. and if the facts line up just right for them, they tagh republicans for it and they did that . of course, at this weekend s horrific attack in buffalo by ab horrific attack in buffalo by ab platforms that need to be monitored and shut down the second these words arehese espoused out there in theseow platforms, it ha
we spent less than two million then they re mad . permiss they re mad because i didn t ask for permission to be in this space. i just walked in because this ise t my country and our country is in trouble and i don t believe we have any more room to elect warm bodies r within our next to our name. david, would you considerin having barnett work in some way, shape or form and your e office or for your effortss office or for your effortss won tomorrow?w? oh , listen, i respect kathy k and i ve gotten tono know her on the campaign trail but has beenh tested. kathy was tested eighteenhe twenty four months ago when she ran for the congressional seat in pennsylvania, lost by . gpennsylvania, lost by and now what s happening is there s a lot of focus on she has t a spotlight on herst because people recognize the stakes are so high as she s being askedak ask to answer ques that are the very same questions i answered on the first dayhe about my background, my military experience, all th