command the debris is consistent with the catastrophic loss of the pressure with the catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber. upon this determination we immediately notified determination we immediately notified the families. on behalf of the united states coastguard and the entire the united states coastguard and the entire unified command i offer my deepest entire unified command i offer my deepest condolences to the families. i can deepest condolences to the families. t can only deepest condolences to the families. i can only imagine what this has been i can only imagine what this has been like i can only imagine what this has been like for them and i hope that this discovery provides some solace during this discovery provides some solace during this this discovery provides some solace during this difficult time. additionally, we ve been in close contact additionally, we ve been in close contact with the british and french counset contact with the bri
safety you think there should be changes in safety ratings or inspections for these safety ratings or inspections for these standards. i know that there are a these standards. i know that there are a tot these standards. i know that there are a tot of these standards. i know that there are a lot of questions about why, how, are a lot of questions about why, how. when are a lot of questions about why, how, when this happened. the members of unified how, when this happened. the members of unified command have those questions of unified command have those questions to as professionals and experts questions to as professionals and experts that work in this environment. this is in incredibly difficult environment. this is in incredibly difficult and dangerous environment to work difficult and dangerous environment to work in difficult and dangerous environment to work in out there. but those questions to work in out there. but those questions about the regulations tha