kansas/nebraska act. republican papers praised him and democrats papers are fearful of this rising man. l lincoln is going to win. the moment lincoln is elected, he s confronted with crisis. to white southerners, lincoln s election means the greatest of their fears being realized. they are convinced despite all the things lincoln says he wants to create racial equality. lincoln and his family were subjected to a nerving threat that no other president-elect ever faced. abraham lincoln says i am going to put a spider in your dumpling you god damn people have sent robert lincoln opened this envelope and was unnerved. the situation was required for his father to calm him down. folks in the south using violence to move people into a supporting session. violence creates that sense of triablism and that s what the entire fight is about. it is clear that it could descend into war. when abraham lincoln was elected in 1860. there are nearly 4 million enslaved people in
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of force is necessary, and three, the defendant s reasonable bleach must be what prompts him to threaten or use force. a person who is not the aggressor is not required to retreat before being justified in using force he reasonably believes to be necessary. a defendant is not justified in using excessive force while acting in self-defense. if you decide that a defense used more force than was reasonably necessary to defend against the alleged victim s threats or use of force, then the defendant s actions would not be justified. now, if, after considering the testimony and evidence presented to you, together with the charge of the court, you should find and believe beyond a reasonable doubt that a defendant in glynn county, georgia, did, on february 23rd, 2020, commit the offenses as alleged in the indictment, you would be authorized to find the defendant
arbery in the driveway because it was a black man running down the street. this is ahmaud arbery. on february 23rd last year, he was shot and killed while out jogging a short distance from his home. initially, no one was charged with the killing until this video was leaked online. it had been filmed by one of the three defendants. the leak was two months after ahmaud arbery s death. there is also bodycam footage from the police who arrived at the scene. they found ahmaud aubrey injured and on the ground. you re not putting him in cuffs, are you? no, no, no, why would he be in cuffs? lawyers for mr arbery s family have called his death a modern day lynching . the defendants argue they were defending themselves while trying to make a citizen s arrest . here s one of their attorneys. you do have a right to have a firearm when you make an arrest. you do have a right to stop a person, and to hold them and detain them for the police.