eastman. one day after, january 7th, eastman was still talk at trying the get some way to overthrow then president-elect biden s incoming administration, preserving information out of georgia. this is the new testimony. eastman i don t remember why he called me, or he texted me or called me, wanted to talk with me, and he said he couldn t reach others. and he started to ask me about something dealing with georgia, preserving something potentially for appeal. and i said to him, are you out of your eff ing find? i said, i only want to hear two words coming out of your mouth from now on orderly transition. i said i don t want to hear any other eff ing words come out of your mouth other than orderly transition. repeat your words to me. what did he say? eventually he said orderly transition. i said, good, john. now i m going to give you the best free legal advice you re ever getting in your life. get a great criminal defense lawyer. you re going to need it. and then i hu
their 2020 election coverage was so biassed and often wrong that it now faces more than one billion dollars lawsuit over its coverage of issues like voting machines and, although we will cover how those cases are ultimately resolved, fox is pulling back. they ve already done on-air retractions under that legal heat, so not a normal debate. something, according to the courts and lawsuit and their own retragss, something worse. while it s common for people to claim these days nothing matters and all the pressure s pointless, these hearings are testing fox s relationship with the insurrection and election in interesting ways. fox broke with all other news divisions to censor coverage of the first hearing, going full cancel culture other than show viewers their hearing where they might have viewers make up their own mind.