The body of the eight-year-old pupil of Omuga Primary School was discovered with her private parts and eyes gorged out. - Kenya breaking news | Kenya news today |
and i would loveat to see that fixed alongside these kids getting back into school and getting a proper education. excellent question. it was the pandemic that was george floyd and blm and then it was the dea and the gq plus all of that kind of combined in the propaganda war is greatt. to point that out. get require i have to get your reaction from both of you earlier this day today the washington post revealed that biden s attempt to reapproach create maga and then turn it into that otro maga kind of negative ran was the result of a six month researchea effort by liberal groups. sean they inflate. yeah. they let inflation get outut of control because what they were busy on a rebranding of maga to ultra maga which to a lot of people sounds cool by the way, donald trump said you re right, i am the king of muga. an i want to make america greatat again. you can t understand democrat policiesdeatif if you re thinkig