Gift From Jolleys Makes Possible New K-9 For The Sheriff s Office Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - by Joseph Dycus The Hamilton County Commissioners on Wednesday accepted a generous gift from a local couple that will allow the Sheriff s Office to have a new K-9.
They accepted a $25,000 donation from Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jolley to the Sheriff s Office. It will be used to purchase a dog and any associated equipment and supplies.
The Jolleys have a daughter who is studying to be a veterinarian, it was stated. Another resolution waived the county purchasing rules and allowed Sheriff Jim Hammond to retire a police service dog named Tyne “based upon many years of loyal and faithful service.”
Gift From Jollys Makes Possible New K-9 For The Sheriff s Office Wednesday, May 5, 2021 - by Joseph Dycus The Hamilton County Commissioners on Wednesday accepted a generous gift from a local couple that will allow the Sheriff s Office to have a new K-9.
They accepted a $25,000 donation from Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jolly to the Sheriff s Office. It will be used to purchase a dog and any associated equipment and supplies.
The Jollys have a daughter who is studying to be a veterinarian, it was stated. Another resolution waived the county purchasing rules and allowed Sheriff Jim Hammond to retire a police service dog named Tyne “based upon many years of loyal and faithful service.”