Gov. Charlie Baker is pushing for legislation that would create a fund from American Rescue Plan Act money for clean energy technology and eliminate pricing limitations on procurements.
It has bedeviled Americans almost since the country’s founding, but systemic racism is a solvable problem, lecturer in public policy Robert Livingston argues in his recent book, “The Conversation: How Seeking and Speaking the Truth about Racism Can Radically Transform Individuals and Organizations.” And at a Kennedy School talk this week, he outlined ways that individuals and organizations can move forward especially when change is supported from the top.
“The million-dollar question that I’ve been working on is, how do we turn a solvable problem into an achievable solution?” he asked the audience at the moderated talk “Where Do we Go From Here: Making Progress Toward Racial Equity.” As a social psychologist, Livingston said he has found that subtle persuasion can be more convincing on the individual level than facts and figures.