A Delhi court on Monday granted bail to the 'Bulli Bai' app case accused Niraj Bishnoi and 'Sulli Deals' app creator Omkareshwar Thakur on humanitarian grounds.
Bulli Bai , Sulli Deals app creators granted bail on humanitarian grounds - The court considered that the accused are first-time offenders and continued incarceration would be detrimental to their overall wellbeing.
Niraj Bishnoi and Omkareshwar Thakur, who allegedly created the controversial Bulli Bai and Sulli Deals apps, were granted bail by a Delhi court on Tuesday on humanitarian grounds.
Lok Sabha MPs Asaduddin OWaisi and Kunwar Danish Ali raised the question of online harassment of Muslim women across the country, citing the ‘Sulli Deals’ and ‘Bulli Bai’ apps that published Muslim women’s photos without their consent.