heard a lot of chatter about this being a case of omission versus action. typically, we think of a criminal case involving criminal acts. there are also acts in this case, these parents bought him a gun, provide access to the gun, taught him how to shoot, posted and boasted about the gun on social media. and then the day before the shooting and the day of the shooting there were all of these raging sirens not red flags, raging sirens about what he s about to do. and instead, the mother says, lol, just don t get caught. do it, but don t get caught. and then at some point she says, don t do it! these are bad facts for the parents. and i analogize this to cases of child abuse and child neglect, of which i ve had many of. in those cases, it s not about what the parents do, it s about what the parents don t do it. and the charges are so unprecedented, i believe for involuntary manslaughter under michigan law, you have criminal negligence and somebody dies, right? that s all you need to