Renowned filmmaker Umanu Elijah known for the movie Devil In Agbada has announced the star-packed cast of his latest project titled Break of Dawn. | Pulse Nigeria
Vanguard News
Comedian Whale mouth, partner on comedy series ‘The Police HQ’
White Gorrilaz Media, a content production outfit, owned by comedian Whale Mouth and his partner, Frank Obiadi, has signed a multi-million naira partnership deal with Nevada Bridge TV to produce their first comedy web/TV series The Police HQ.
The series which first season was premiered on Sunday, March 7, 2021, is now showing exclusively on the Nevada Bridge TV app.
subscription to Nevada Bridge TV app is available on Google Play-store and Apple Store platforms,which enables audiences see the hilarious comedy series.
The Police HQ cast some of the greatest Nollywood and comedy stars such as Seyilaw, Eniola Badmus, Whale Mouth, Belinda Effah, Omini Aho, Phronesis, Efe Warri Boy, MC Shaggi, Odogwu, Short Family, Sokoh Stanley to mention but a few. It was directed by Patrick Odjegba.