Ahmedabad reported the maximum number of new cases on Thursday at 3,754, followed by Surat (2,933), Vadodara (1,047), Rajkot (573), Gandhinagar (453), Valsad (337), Bharuch (308), Bhavnagar (236), Jamnagar (216), Navsari (155), Kutch (129), Mahesana (117), Anand 103, and Kheda (101), among others.
After recording a record high of 46,723 Covid cases on Wednesday, Maharashtra s figures dropped slightly to 46,406 on Thursday, while fatalities increased from 32 a day before to 36 now, with the mortality rate dropping marginally from 2.01 per cent to 2 per cent.
It is essential to mask yourself properly, take both doses of vaccines (if not yet vaccinated), maintain social distancing and maintain good ventilation to the maximum possible, the guidelines said.
The study suggests that all of the monoclonal antibody therapies currently in use and most in development are much less effective against Omicron, if they work at all. When administered early in the course of infection, monoclonal antibodies has shown to prevent many individuals from developing sev