Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy on Saturday said that his government will make a mega master plan for industrial development across the state by 2050. Interacting with the office bearers of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Telangana, the Chief Minister said that the government will have an industry friendly policy to ensure rapid development and to attract
CM Jagan inaugurated the Rs. 1000 crore plywood-panels manufacturing unit, Century Panels Limited, in the Gopavaram Industrial Park near Badvel by unveiling the plaque. The company has employed 2266 persons while providing indirect employment to tens of thousands of farmers and others. After inaugurating the MDF (Medium Density Fibre Board) and HPL (High Pressure Laminate)
/PRNewswire/ The "APAC Water Outlook 2024" report has been added to s offering. By 2050, about 1 billion people will reside in urban.
Democrat Irene Shin Out Raises GOP Opponent Max Fisher In 8th District - Herndon, VA - Irene Shin and Max Fisher are on the Nov. 7 ballot running to represent the 8th District in the Virginia House of Delegates.