Roaring Fork Valley families kicked off the Christmas season at a posada and tree-cutting event at the Babbish Gulch trailhead near Glenwood Springs on Saturday. Conservation advocacy group Wilderness Workshop and their Latino-outreach division Defiende.
Local residents will have a chance to celebrate a traditional Mexican posada and cut down their own Christmas trees in the Thompson Divide area on Saturday. It’s the third year the White River National Forest and Wilderness Workshop’s Defiende Nuestra Tierra program will be leading the outing.
Comforting food, warm drinks, and community all comprise the traditional Latin American Christmas-season tradition of posadas. Different cultures and nationalities celebrate in many ways, but the Mexican tradition always includes tamales and champurrado or Mexican hot chocolate. On Saturday.
Carbondale could be the first Roaring Fork Valley and Garfield County municipality to appoint a standing Latino advisory council to advise the town and ensure Latino community concerns are heard. Roughly a third of Carbondale’s.
Over 400 community members gathered in the Roaring Fork and Colorado river valleys on Saturday, July 24 for the final day of Latino Conservation Week. The nationwide initiative celebrates Latinx heritage and aims to make outdoor recreation and environmental decision-making more accessible.