Ven. Omalpe Sobitha Thera, former MP of the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU), has filed a fundamental rights case in the Supreme Court, challenging the controversial coal deal and the process of awarding it. Lanka Coal Company awarded the tender for the supply of 4.5 million metric tons of high calorific coal to Black Sand Commodities […]
Cassandra lived up to her name by peeking into the future and crying out loud, not “I see blood” but “Beware the third Covid-19 wave, it’s a-coming.” She saw what was imminent in India with masses in the Holy River at the Kumba Mela, and connected it to Free Sri Lanka. Cass does not claim kudos for her warning such as this para culled from her Cry of Friday April 4 with the Avuruddha approaching and enticing people to shop, travel, make merry and gather together. Many were fearful but their warnings unheard, unheeded. She wrote: “Coming back to Free Sri Lanka, we seem to stress on that first word Cass inserted to the country name, even in these dire times of no crowds, no gathering together, no being close and crowding. And the worst is, milling crowds are apparently encouraged to boost popularity of certain VVIPs, by sycophants and by the preference/orders of the VVIPs themselves.”