therefore, democrats are demanding that he resign immediately. watch the latest. he needs to resign immediately to stop the pain in virginia, and frankly, around the nation. i think that the governor should resign. he has lost the authority tog govern. i think he should resign. should he resign? yes. he should step down and start his road to redemption. he should step down. so racist. there is no place for racism in our government. tucker: so far be it for the show to defend ralph northam, and to be clear, who would put that kind of garbage on a yearbook page, but it does nevertheless ask the question when is it okay to forgive the mistakes of others? he is aha man of the left. he try to answer that question in an insightful essay that he wrote. he put it this way. we ve all done things we are not proud of in our past, and our most offensive and obnoxious moments do not encapsulate our