The council of Nordecon AS decided on its meeting held on 20 April 2023 to appoint Tarmo Pohlak as a new member of the management board as of 05 June 2023, who will be responsible for the construction. | April 21, 2023
The recent government decision to have the taxpayer pay €3.4 million for vaccines that were allowed to spoil in Health Board cold storage is nothing short of infuriating, MP Peeter Ernits writes.
Riigisekretäri juhitud uurimine tuvastas, et terviseameti külmladude rikke põhjustas kuum ilm, aga ka ehitamis- ja projekteerimisvead. Külmlao jahutusseadmed ei vastanud nõuetele ning nende paigaldamise ajal ei oleks tohtinud neid seadmeid müüa ja paigaldada.
On 3 February 2021, OÜ Marsi Elu, a company belonging to the AS Pro Kapital Grupp group, and Oma Ehitaja AS signed a contract for the construction of three five-storey building complexes (hereinafter
Kindrali Houses) located in Kristiine City, in Tondi. The construction will be carried out in two stages with a total cost of 20 million euros including the VAT.
In the first construction phase 129 apartmentsand in the following 66 apartments with parking spaces under the houses and above-ground will be completed. Completion of the first two building complexes is planned for the summer of 2022 at the latest and more than 50% of the apartments have been already sold or booked.