Salt Lake City has some late competition in their bid for the 2034 Winter Olympics. Switzerland this week announced interest in the 2030 or 2034 Games, in time to compete for the next big step in the process: targeted dialogue. Being chosen for that is tantamount to being the No. 1 candidate.
There is a higher chance of picking a four-leaf clover, getting into Harvard, or living to 110 years old than making it to the Olympics. According to Bill Mallon, co-founder of the International Society of Olympic Historians, only about 1 in 500,000 people will qualify for the Games. But that isn’t stopping Regan Clute, who.
By Diane Batshaw Eisman, M.D. FAAFP He was a quiet man. He was an orphan who grew up as a ward of government schools. He came out of the Oklahoma frontier. He was a Sac and Fox Indian. He was Jim Thorpe and he was an Olympic champion. In the days of Jim Thorpe's youth, American Indian children