When the nation woke to the horror of the Grenfell Tower fire almost four months ago now, a report quickly emerged of a baby apparently thrown out of a window by a desperate mother. Miraculously, the child was caught by a man on the ground below and saved. It was a moving tale and it had currency because it encapsulated the tragic choices that those trapped by fire might have to confront. Above all, it was a glimmer ofjoy on a terrible night, with a hero in the man who caught the baby. Stories like this are a big part of news reporting. They help us to form judgements on larger events. And the specific stories that catch on, often Say Something about us. But given that this account of the baby was so seized upon, in a night of total confusion, its worth asking if it was all as it seemed. David grossman was moved by it as soon as he heard it, and he has been trying to find out more. Listen to him. We need to leave now. Straight to that breaking story in west london. London fire brigade
There are various things i want to show you. This wall, which im just walking up to now is called the questions wall. On here, people have written, where is the money going . 7 when written, where is the money going . . When will it stop, people over profit . Why give everyone this type of suffering. Stop. Neverforgotten. Justice for grenfell. Real numbers 79 . No way. So many questions on this wall as you walk into the social club. Over here, this is a mural thats being painted. Mark is the chap who has been painting it. This is whats called wall of evidence. I dont know if you can see the words, the truth will not be hidden, the publics public inquest. Facts. When the painting is finished here, residents who escaped from the tower that night, who witnessed what happened, are being encouraged to write their first hand accounts on here. To take ownership of what happened because some people feel so much distrust now when it comes to the authorities. Lets me take you inside the social c