It tells the story of the early years of Hrithik Roshan and Kareena Kapoor Khan's acting careers when the two biggest stars in Bollywood shared the screen in several films. Since their 2003 film Main Prem Ki Deewani Hoon, fans have been eagerly awaiting their return in theaters, mesmerized by their chemistry. |
Hrithik Roshan says that no one is policed to keep their arms to themselves or refrain from touching items and causing a mess, even though his house appears clean. The actor claims that his friends and visitors are welcome to use his house as if it were their own. |
Even though Aishwarya and Abhishek appear to be acting romantically for the cameras, their awkward chemistry is always evident when they are together. The couple left to watch a Kabaddi match with Amitabh Bachchan and their daughter Aaradhya in the midst of all of this. |
As a result of her son's adorable antics, which Bharti Singh features in her vlogs, he has a separate following base. Now, the comedian reflected on her pregnant journey during a recent conversation with Rubina Dilaik, a new mother. She shared some fascinating insights into the experiences she had during the era. |
He claimed that although people pay thousands of rupees for popular performers, they never go to "real cinema." In a recent interview, he stated that the art genre itself is at risk because of this trend. |