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Striations and you smash it on the pavement november 1st after halloween. No girl ever protests . What are you doing call me pumpkin . I was going to talk about the stupid commercials. Oh, yeah. All commercials are stupid. When we break in a few minutes, youre going to see a stupid commercial. You got to see it. Theyve got a commercial in los angeles. Environmentalist concerned about suvs consuming too much energy. Their slogan is what would jesus drive. You know me, i be thinking, jesus wos drive a honda. Did you know that . If you read the bibles, acts 2 and 1 says we should all be in one accord. Were going to take a break. Well be right back. Dont go away. Dont go away. For more laughs go to dont go away. For more laughs go to im joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. Try digestive advantage. It is tougher than your stomachs harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. Get the digestive advantage. Its a good, good,