The country’s largest funeral home operator will be delisted from the ASX in November despite a 19 per cent vote against the $1.8 billion TPG Capital buyout.
Private equity firm TPG Capital s $1.8 billion buyout offer for InvoCare, Australia s largest funeral homes and crematoria operator, has garnered regulatory.
Cost-of-living pressures mean Simplicity Funerals is the best performing business in the InvoCare stable being swallowed by private equity group TPG in a $1.8 billion buyout. al is ticking a lot of boxes in its $1.8 billion bid for Australia
InvoCare Limited (ASX:IVC – Get Rating) insider Olivier Chretien sold 45,482 shares of the company’s stock in a transaction on Friday, May 5th. The shares were sold at an average price of A$11.30 ($7.69), for a total transaction of A$513,946.60 ($349,623.54). InvoCare Stock Performance The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 70.26, a current ratio […]