27/02/2023 - The French film centre is also supporting works by the Larrieu brothers, Patrick-Mario Bernard and Pierre Trividic, Philippe Béziat, Baya Kasmi, Guillaume Senez and Laurent Micheli
In December 2022, the New Anticapitalist Party’s (NPA) congress ended in a split between two roughly equivalent forces. While the future of the NPA tendency animated by former militants of the Revolutionary Communist League (LCR) is uncertain, François Sabado looks back on this crisis and takes stock of this attempt to unite the anti-capitalists.
In December 2022, the New Anticapitalist Party’s (NPA) congress ended in a split between two roughly equivalent forces. While the future of the NPA tendency animated by former militants of the Revolutionary Communist League (LCR) is uncertain, François Sabado looks back on this crisis and takes stock of this attempt to unite the anti-capitalists.