Princeton seniors Jacquelyn Dávila and Shaffin Siddiqui have received the Martin A. Dale ’53 Fellowship to spend a year after graduation pursuing a project of special interest to them.
The Martin A. Dale ’53 Fellowship provides a grant for a senior to spend the year after graduation on “an independent project of extraordinary merit." Dale Summer Awards, for sophomores, support shorter summer projects.
ZURICH, Switzerland, Dec. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Swiss performance sportswear brand On opens its global flagship store today,
On NYC, located at 363 Lafayette Street in New York, NY. On has pioneered a design-centric and technologically driven approach to the in-store consumer experience. Centered around its innovative
Magic Wall, On NYC provides customers an effortless and explorative new way to shoe shop. Customers are invited to experience On NYC in-person starting today. New York City residents and visitors can also schedule a virtual shopping appointment and receive product within 2-4 hours to try On from the comfort of their homes before purchasing.