A musical filled with charismatic creatures, comedy and adventure opens at the Glove Theatre this weekend. Written and directed by Michael Maricondi, “Looking For the Little Mouse” follows Bastien, a young boy who loses his last baby tooth and is excited to see the Little Mouse (otherwise known a
High school musical nominees announced
Features staff
Sister Act, Glens Falls High School at the 2019 High School Theatre Musical Awards at Proctors. This year s awards show will focus on individual actors and actresses and will be pre-recorded.Gary McPherson
Proctors announced the nominees for the 2021 High School Musical Theatre Awards at Proctors at a live event on Wednesday.
Due to schools being unable to perform live musicals, 14 schools participated in the event s fifth year, plus an additional 19 individual students (not associated with a participating school) submitted a virtual audition for adjudicators in Best Actor and Best Actress categories.
“This year more than ever, in a year of cancelled high school performances and empty auditoriums, said Philip Morris, CEO of Proctors Collaborative, we are taking a minute to recognize those students who would have excelled in their school’s productions.”