everybody, make sure everybody shows up to thankless jobs. milton found himself at times siding with olivia or feeling sympathy for olivia. marilyn then started to think well, he must be on oli olivia s side. by this point, marilyn was also having trouble sleeping. she took a lot of sleeping pills every night. when you re filming, you have to be wide-eyed and look fresh and if you haven t slept, you re not going to so everybody in hollywood takes pills. once she starts taking the pills, she can t stop. if even counting sheep can t help you sleep, it brings 100 percent safe sleep. during the 50s into the 60s there is ramping up medication to deal with psychological problems. women were definitely medicated in ways that men were not.
wanted. who was more credible than sir lawrence olivia? i said i would only do it with him. i would only consider doing it with him. why? because i would go to see sir lawrence and myself in the movies. [ laughter ] he had theater respectability and the reputation of late actor. she was a household name. they re opposites who will get-togethers to make a whole. in the romantic comedy, marilyn plays an american show girl opposite olivia s european prince. olivia also directs. it s just my stage name and my dad was a marine, see? my real name is elsie. indeed. at the beginning, obviously, she was nervous, needs time to
settle in with not only the crew but the cast. marilyn had come into olivia easte s territory in every sens a big age difference and he doesn t see her as a creative eq equal. as a method actor, marilyn insists on real caviar and real champagne for every take. she didn t want to be an automatic roll them and she does the scene. she wanted to have a motivation. yes, yes, my dear, you can speak free tly. there is nobody here. olivia derives her techniques. he told her to stop thinking and just to be sexy. it was like he was being british, pushed her right back to where she started from.
if you re a woman, you know what it means to be needed. those woman member were tormented in a lot of ways and they were not really able to show their whole authentic self, which created in them secrets. all the fun can go out of your life. so it s no surprise that people would become addicted. not a surprise. all of the stories about the prince and the show girl focused on marilyn s difficulties and the difficulty of her very toxic relationship with olivia. clearly, her addictions were a problem for her and for the set, but she wasn t incapacitated. people who worked with her spoke about these smart notes that she would give after watching the dailies where she said very specific things that she wasn t happy with and why. they werwere shown of a woman w knew her craft and knew exactly