First published 14 May 2021
There have been numerous surveys to locate Du Toit’s torrent frog since its last record in 1962, but all attempts have failed to find the species.
Scientists from the Natural History Museum and ZSL (Zoological Society of London) are part of a new study looking into the potential extinction of
Arthroleptides dutoiti, or Du Toit’s Torrent frog. Known to be currently Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List, Du Toit’s Torrent frog is a priority species on ZSL’s EDGE (Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered) amphibians list, given its Red List status and phylogenetic distinctiveness. There have been numerous surveys to locate Du Toit’s torrent frog since its last record in 1962, but all attempts have failed to find the species.
With zoos shut due to Covid-19, conservation suffers With zoos shut due to Covid-19, conservation suffers 15 Dec 2020 Zoos do a lot more than welcome excited visitors; closures due to the pandemic are affecting conservation work worldwide
They might be best known as convenient days out for the kids, but zoos often step in to conservation situations where all else has failed. Take the scimitar-horned oryx, which once roamed central Chad in large numbers. Civil unrest during the 1980s saw the species declared functionally extinct in the wild. Between 2009 and 2013, the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) spearheaded efforts to reintroduce captive-bred oryx to Chad; numbers are now growing.
With zoos shut due to Covid-19, conservation suffers With zoos shut due to Covid-19, conservation suffers 15 Dec 2020 Zoos do a lot more than welcome excited visitors; closures due to the pandemic are affecting conservation work worldwide
They might be best known as convenient days out for the kids, but zoos often step in to conservation situations where all else has failed. Take the scimitar-horned oryx, which once roamed central Chad in large numbers. Civil unrest during the 1980s saw the species declared functionally extinct in the wild. Between 2009 and 2013, the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) spearheaded efforts to reintroduce captive-bred oryx to Chad; numbers are now growing.