Come before congress as a material witness because he worked for joy biden at the same time hunter biden was getting corrupt money from oligarchs. I say to the media, do your job and print his name. Yet he has admitted on fox news he has declined to out the whistleblower. I dont see where you get on the senate floor and youre protected and speak of the name if youre convinced it is. I can and i may and i can do it right now if i want to. Theres no law that stops me from doing that. Other than that, i dont want to make it about the one individual. This has become a common talking point for the president who said this on friday. The whistleblower is a disgrace to our country, a disgrace, and the whistleblower because of that should be revealed. So yesterday i sad down with senator paul in chicago. Why does the name of the whistleblower matter . As you know, ive been a big defender of whistleblowers. Edward snowden is probably the most famous whistleblower of all time and im a great defen
Catalonian producers warn that olive oil production in the region will be even lower than previously expected and that major price increases may ensue as a.