In his battle for Ukraine, Pavlo Petrychenko used not only weapons but also his voice. A renowned Kyiv activist, he fought for the prosecution of corrupt Ukrainian officials, demanding justice for his fellow activists, including Kateryna Handziuk, who was murdered in 2018. As a team member of the Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation, Petrychenko helped establish a volunteer center in Kyiv to support the military until he decided to join the Armed Forces himself two months into the full-scale war.
The Dniprovskyi District Court of Kyiv has announced a verdict in the case of the attack on Kherson activist Kateryna Handziuk: the accused orderer of the attack, Vladyslav Manher, and the organiser, Oleksii Levin (Moskalenko), were sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Viktor Handziuk, the father of murdered Kherson activist Kateryna Handziuk, reacted with “mixed feelings” to the court verdict in his daughter's murder case, stating that not all those involved in the crime have been held accountable.