How do we appropriately deal with the uncertainties that come with management and leadership, the consequences of such sporting decisions, and how to take responsibility for those consequences . One of people who were involved in politics, he said that a good politician thinks about future elections, a real leader thinks about future generations. Obviously, this is exactly the kind of person Vladimir Putin is seen from abroad. i would so much like to become your son from africa, i would like you to be my mentor, mr. President , what can i tell you son, this is an episode immediately after the conversation with Vladimir Putin, an italian artist, that the same son from uganda wanted a photo , i want to ask my african relative, our italian friend, come here. I am the african son of president putin, what is your surname now, my surname, konstantin panyushkin, kristina neznanova, channel one. We will tell you more about the world Youth Festival, for now on to other topics. Now america is 5
ve prepared a surprise, for this you need to wear partoshki, uhhuh, uhhuh, oh, i can already guess what a surprise, yeah , we will draw, this is a door that could be the door to any room, it will be such a performance, i dont i liked that she didnt fit. We need to paint this door now, you can generally express any emotions, take any paints and just open it. I understand, well, ive already painted pink. Let me do this, and then lets paint over this half, if you dont mind, i think its cool, in this interaction, what every person, that is, you make a line, and i also make a line, in this interaction finds out, well, how the picture of our general communication emerges, yeah, there are no rules, no framework, you suggest drawing with lines. You can do it with lines, you can do it with spots, you can even splash it, im sure when christina and i are alone, we will draw a much better picture on the door, now its just such a situation that for now we are painting it, lets say, for everything f
And dressed in fairness radin, we should have actually been dressed, but as it turned out , well, this is also a powerful tool, a powerful tool, of course, influencing people, well , really, because the oscar, which the whole world is watching and so on, and we watched before recently, they have a whole series of such special nominations , which are designed, as i understand it, designed, so to speak, to attract some attention or, so to speak, not to allow it to fade away in some direction in some country, lets say with everything. Respect for Nikita Sergeevich mikhalkov , and i sincerely respect him, i consider him a great artist, by the way, a russian and a great director, but i think that in many ways the oscar of 1995 was due to the fact that, well, russia, russia it was , so to speak, this was the topic then, it was a good topic, an important topic, so it is not accidental, it is not accidental that Nikita Sergeevichs oscar is not only because the film is great, but because there
For doctors have already become a tradition, visiting the house on red there are four, also schoolchildren and students, as part of the Media Holding bel in the television and Radio Company there are five radio channels and stations, the first is national culture, and also the capital of belarus and radius fm. Further sports news, you can also follow developments on our social networks or in the qr mobile application on the screen. We will sum up the results of the day at 7 pm. Stay on the first button. Yegor sharongovichs puck did not help his calgary team beat eastern conference leader florida 5 1 on the road in favor of the home team. The belarusian forward made his mark successful goal scoring at the start of the Second Period in the power play. In total, sharongovich spent more than 17 minutes on the ice as part of the first line. He made six shots on target and finished the match with a minus three utility rating. Chicago, 4 1. The belarusian gave two assists on the first and fou
My intuition tells me that its aggravated in pregnant women, well, in firstly, you cant trust us at all, you know, and secondly . Your andrey has a lot of work right now, he i became the head of a company in a foreign city, it would be better if we stayed there, dont push yourself, lord, listen, i need to leave, ill accompany you, get up carefully, so you can sleep at home, you know, its not good for the baby , when mommy gets worried, well. Andrey, you cant do this, we need to stop , how can we stop if we love each other, we need to decide, ive thought of everything, before the baby is born. Ill get divorced, then ill get divorced, so what . Will they . They will not need anything, but you need to accept the solution is now, the solution . You should tell your husband everything and divorce him, it will be fair, no, sleepyhead, tell me, do you want to be . With me, yes, then you will tell everything to wislow, yes, you will lock the apartment, leave the keys in the mailbox. Hello, hel