The stock rose from Rs 399 on February 21, 2023, to Rs 2,062 recorded on February 21, 2024, which translates into an upside of over 400% in a year. It has been in an uptrend since February 2023 when it made a low above 300 levels on the monthly charts. The stock gained over 6% in a week, nearly 30% in a month, and more than 60% in the last 3 months.
Olectra Greentech, part of the MEIL Group and India s largest pure electric bus manufacturer, saw its shares jump 9% to hit a new all-time high of ₹2,048 apiece. The stock has gained 70% in the last three months and 327% in a year, delivering a return of 1019% in just three years.
Electric vehicle manufacturer Olectra Greentech Limited (OGL) has announced its consolidated financial results for the third quarter and nine months ending December 31, 2023. In Q3 FY 23-24, the company reported a substantial 33% increase in revenue, reaching Rs 342.14 crore, attributed to massive deliveries., Companies News, Times Now