child care credit and to help people that take care of olderly people at home. i think that that s key that is important. it s not over yet. we have next year. i do believe that it s going to happen. it sannened me that no one from the gop will support something that will help the american people. sandra: i would wonder whether or not you seen this white house reach across the aisle to republicans on this. no, not at all. they spent their time blaming republicans for hating the american public when the american public doesn t support build back better as was mentioned. if progressives want someone to blame, they shouldn t blame joe manchin. this is joe biden s fault. he introduced a bill that would never pass the senate in the first place. joe manchin said he thought he could become f.d.r. with slim majorities in the house and senate. it was unrealistic and he s the only one to blame. sandra: gianno?