A Winston-Salem woman has been cited after three dogs were accused of attacking another city resident while the dogs were running loose near Old Town Shopping Center.
“What’s going on?” he asked.
Inside the small office at the Old Town Shopping Center, a homeless man named Vincent Gutierrez, 40, was dead, a single gunshot wound to his chest.
An officer asked if anybody was bleeding out inside the office. No, Kramer said.
But then.
“There’s a dead guy in there, and I didn’t kill him,” he said.
It must have seemed like an open-and-shut case, a senseless murder of an unlikely victim that Oct. 28, 2017, night and the tragic demise of a force for good who had broken very bad.
Kramer hadn’t left the scene, hadn’t called 911. The revolver he held, a .38 Smith and Wesson Special, proved to be the murder weapon. A .38 round was found in his Ford pickup. Those who knew Kramer said he had fallen far fast in the space of mere months, sucked into a dark, bizarre and paranoid place by his monthslong methamphetamine use.