Work To Install Left-Turn Lane At Wood Estates Set To Begin Monday - Tuscaloosa, AL - The project is the latest in a sustained effort to improve safety and traffic flow along U.S. Highway 43 in northern Tuscaloosa County.
Scott Martin | February 15, 2021 @ 10:02 pm
Black ice is now forming on major roadways and highways across North/Central Alabama, to go along with the roadways already covered with ice and sleet from the wintry precipitation that fell earlier today. Areas of flurries have also developed over the past several minutes behind the cold front, but these should not add to any accumulations that have already occurred. As temperatures continue to plummet, expect more black ice issues to develop. Here are a list of some of the travel issues that have been reported so far:
Chilton County
Colbert County
Fayette County
Lamar County