By Premiere Networks
Apr 1, 2021
TODD: This is opening day of baseball, by the way. It is. Oh, yeah, this! The Washington Nationals had a game coming up against the Mets but because of the covid flu, they canceled it. It was a Washington Nationals game where Tony Fauci was in the stands. (impression) Well, I don t really need to wear a mask because there s not cameras on me, and the lady I m with maybe this is my wife can take the mask off. But the kids, if they don t wear masks, they ll kill all the people. It was that game where the infamous social media meme came from. But now we ve gotta shut the Nationals game down because of the covid flu. So Rush loved baseball, and I want to go back to prior to Sacramento. Rush worked for the Kansas City Royals early in his career, and one of his big responsibilities was the ceremonial first pitch.
On Opening Day, Rush Remembers Being the Guy in Charge of Ceremonial First Pitches in Kansas City
Apr 1, 2021
TODD: This is opening day of baseball, by the way. It is. Oh, yeah, and this: The Washington Nationals had a game coming up against the Mets but because of the covid flu, they canceled it. It was a Washington Nationals game where Tony Fauci was in the stands. (impression) “Well, I don’t really need to wear a mask because there’s not cameras on me, and the lady I’m with maybe this is my wife can take the mask off.