The SUV was driving on the treelawn when the woman walking her dog in front of Lander Elementary School jumped out of the way just in time, police said.
Sharma’s arrest stems from a call received on Tuesday, January 17th, 2023, in which he approached two Lander Elementary School students and offered them a ride home.
On the feast of the Holy Innocents, I think of the faces of the children killed in Uvalde, Texas. Earlier this year, their photos were an unrelenting, "in your face" testament to the plague of gun violence in the U.S.
Girl spends school day hiding from dad in their home: Mayfield Heights Police Blotter
Updated Dec 20, 2020;
Departmental information: Lander Road
A man reported at 2:26 p.m. Dec. 11 that his fifth-grade child did not return home from Lander Elementary School. The school advised police the girl never arrived at school. The man subsequently found his daughter hiding in the house. She had left for school in the morning but returned home shortly after and was there the entire day.
Disorderly conduct: Woodrow Avenue
Officers responded at 4 a.m. Dec. 13 to a report of an unknown man trying to enter a resident’s home. The man was drunk and said his name was “100” and he was in New York. He had no recollection of anything before police arrived. The Solon man, 21, was charged with disorderly conduct and later released to his father.