have to come into the marketplace. reporter: engaging republicans on healthcare reform could leave the white house estranged from the liberal base. some liberals are already frustrated losing government funded public option. it started to cover 100 million and then it went to 9 million and disappeared. administration is trying to sell healthcare reform to republicans that way and they may succeed but some democrats, myself included, may wonder what is going on here. reporter: this afternoon, eric canter the number two sent a letter to the chief of staff asking the president to commit in advance before talks began to abandon any reconciliation and put any legislative proposal he will bring to the talks on the internet for 72 hours. the chief of staff office tells fox they haven t seen the letter yet and won t comment until they do. bret? bret: major garrett live on the north lawn. thank you. back-and-forth over the arrest and mirandizing of the christmas day bomb plot suspect wo
continental lahore hotel. administrator in northwestern afghanistan has been accused of having links to militants. officials say the man passed sensitive military and intelligence information to insurgents. he is the second senior afghan official to be arrested in the past week alone. iraq s prime minister says he accepts the jurisdiction of an appeals panel concerning a ban on candidates with reported links to the saddam hussein regime. nouri al-maliki supports the ban but says he will leave appeals process to the committee rather tan ask parliament to rule on it. the fight against global warming gets the cold shoulder in one state. and we look back at the career of the late congressman john murtha. boss: y know, geico opened its doors back in 1936 and now we re insuring over 18 million drivers. gecko: quite impressive, yeah. boss: come a long way, that s for sure. and so have you since you started working here way back when.
super bowl ads this weekend. it stinks. much of that debt is what we are paying in part to cover all the promises made to seniors and programs like social security, which their children and grandchildren will have to pay. young people in particular have a stake in the outcome of this debate. because their future is being mortgaged at record rates. in fact, unfunded promises to social security and other entitlement programs are now more than $60 trillion, which weigh on the economy and infuriate populists along with their favorite politicians. we have incurred greater and greater debt and deficit. debt that i believe is immoral because we are handing the bill to our children. but there is a problem. the government is already in hock but will have to borrow even more as some 0 million baby boomers retire and get on medicare and social security. so changing our ways will be tough. there is no way we are going to deal effectively with the deficit without reforming the
do one or the other and then move on. bret: iran s announcement that it will enrich its own nuclear fuel is the latest cause for international concern, of course. the panel will discuss that in three minutes. y s. keller graduate school of management, you ll have a professor with you every step of the way. whether you take classes on campus, online, or both, you get the same attention, the same curriculum, and the same quality. 85 locations nationwide and online. discover how to grow the business of you. at keller.edu.
toughest problem is her party. the candidates prefer centrists, which she is. but detaching herself from the unpopular white house moves may be impossible. it s a volatile electorate at this point. when the tide is dissatisfaction with politics and the way things are, tough for incumbeincumbents. reporter: her opponents are using the voter discontent for all it s worth. president obama, pelosi and senator reid have the philosophy that we can grow government, borrow spend and tax our way to prosperity. we had hopes they were getting the message. from the election in virginia, new jersey and now massachusetts. relationshi reporter: a lot of political watchers say don t count her out yet. she has campaign catch more than each of ore challengers. the election is tough to call. 93% of the renl centered