Down to 0. Hi im Steve Clemons and i have a question as coronavirus challenges society and spreads across america whats the domino effect of keeping millions of students at home lets get to the bottom line. Across the u. S. So far about 5000 cases of coronavirus have been recorded and restrictions are going into effect one of the biggest decisions has been shutting down schools from coast to coast people more than happy to do what it takes to protect themselves and their families but no one knows how the School Shutdown will affect this generation of students and their parents what happens if the School Closures go beyond a few weeks does the entire term get written off what happens if it least one parent cant stay at home with the kids what happens to folks who depend on the free lunches and the breakfasts offered by the Public Schools and with all the talk about Distance Learning is america competent at scale to pull off such a feat so many questions today and fortunately were joined
Election campaign on al jazeera. Hi im Steve Clemons and i have a question as coronavirus challenges society and spreads across america whats the domino effect of keeping millions of students at home lets get to the bottom line. Across the u. S. So far about 5000 cases of coronavirus have been recorded and restrictions are going into effect one of the biggest decisions has been shutting down schools from coast to coast people are more than happy to do what it takes to protect themselves and their families but no one knows how the School Shutdown will affect this generation of students and their parents what happens if the School Closures go beyond a few weeks does the entire term get written off what happens if it least one parent cant stay at home with the kids what happens to folks who depend on the free lunches and the breakfasts offered by the Public Schools and with all the talk about Distance Learning is america competent at scale to pull off such a feat so many questions today a
Hi im Steve Clemons and i have a question as coronavirus challenges society and spreads across america whats the domino effect of keeping millions of students at home lets get to the bottom line. Across the u. S. So far about 5000 cases of coronavirus have been recorded and restrictions are going into effect one of the biggest decisions has been shutting down schools from coast to coast people more than happy to do what it takes to protect themselves and their families but no one knows how the School Shutdown will affect this generation of students and their parents what happens if the School Closures go beyond a few weeks does the entire term get written off what happens if it least one parent cant stay at home with the kids what happens to folks who depend on the free lunches and the breakfasts offered by the Public Schools and with all the talk about Distance Learning is america competent at scale to pull off such a feat so many questions today and fortunately were joined by people
Hi im Steve Clemons and i have a question as coronavirus challenges society and spreads across america whats the domino effect of keeping millions of students at home lets get to the bottom line. Across the u. S. So far about 5000 cases of coronavirus have been recorded and restrictions are going into effect one of the biggest decisions has been shutting down schools from coast to coast people more than happy to do what it takes to protect themselves and their families but no one knows how the School Shutdown will affect this generation of students and their parents what happens if the School Closures go beyond a few weeks does the entire term get written off what happens if it least one parent cant stay at home with the kids what happens to folks who depend on the free lunches and the breakfasts offered by the Public Schools and with all the talk about Distance Learning is america competent at scale to pull off such a feat so many questions today and fortunately were joined by people
The speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 224 and the nays are 194. The current resolution is adopted. Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the the gentlewoman from new york, ms. Velazquez, to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 5078 as amended. On which the the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title. The clerk h. R. 5078, a bill toll amend the Small Business act to provide reentry counseling and Training Services for incarcerated persons and now other purposes. The speaker pro tempore will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill as amended. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commerc