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MEEKER | Rio Blanco County Commissioners adopted the 2021 County Budget Tuesday evening during a special meeting. Prior to adoption, Budget and Finance Director Janae Stanworth presented an overview of the budget, which covers a total of 17 funds and 56 departments. Overall the 2021 budget is decreasing by $6.1 million from 2020. Projected revenues for 2021 are $24.7 million, budgeted expenses are $30.6 million for a deficit of $5.9 million. In 2020 the budgeted deficit was $10.4 million. The county’s largest expense is personnel. On average the county will spend $80,020 per employee for wages and benefits in 2021.
Assessed valuations for 2021 decreased by 11.4%, representing a decrease in property tax revenues of about $900,000. Oil and gas and industrial make up 72% of the total county valuation, down from 76% in the past. Total projected property tax revenues are $6.98 million. Stanworth noted that property taxes have been decreasing since 2013, and that th