Oil India Ltd today said an incident of leakage took placed at one of its well situated in Assam's Tinsukia district at around 11:30 pm on April 9, 2024. "OIL personal rushed to the site and controlled the leak at around 2:20 am today. The District Administration was informed and officials from the Administration was present at site to assess and address the situation," the state-run oil firm stated a BSE filing.
Oil India share price target: Emkay Global said it has upped its target price for Oil India by 50 per cent to Rs 670 per share as its earlier estimates and valuations were built on conservative assumptions
ONGC news today: ​Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has initiated discussions to resume its activities in Libya and enhance its output in Venezuela. Sushma Rawat, ONGC's exploration director, remarked, "once it gets started for Oil India, same applies to us. We are also in the same pact with National Oil Corporation of Libya.", Companies News, Times Now
Oil and gas industry news: State-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) won seven areas for exploration of oil and gas while a consortium of Reliance Industries Ltd and BP Plc walked away with one in the latest bid round., Companies News, Times Now
ONGC jumped 5.79 per cent to hit a 52-week high price of Rs 212. The surge was even higher for Oil India as the stock zoomed 19.15 per cent to hit its one-year peak price of Rs 406.