whistle-blower web site, wikileaks. three convicted murderers escaped from an arizona prison. they are considered armed and dangerous. democratic congresswoman maxine watereds of california could face an ethics trial this fall. waters has been under investigation for a possible conflict of interest involving a bank seeking federal aid. b.p. s incoming ceo is talking about scaling back a cleanup effort in parts of the gulf where crews are having trouble finding oil. this comes as a permanent cap for the oil gusher has hit a snag. chris, what s the latest on the plans to permanently close that well? yeah. hi. we are talking about two or three weeks away from the permanent fix, which is the drilling of those relief wells. but in the meantime, they are moving forward with the implementation of the static kill procedure, but that s delayed a day or a day and-a-half. so instead of tomorrow, they will start monday into tuesday, pumping the heavy drilling mud
. the weather system that was tropical storm bonnie is moving on. good news for crews trying to plug the oil gusher in the gulf. heavy rain and flooding in chicago standing water closing several stretches of the eisenhower expressway leading to traffic back ups across the city. 15 people dying during a stampede at the parade music festival in germany. police tried to keep thousands out of the packed grounds that is when the crowd got out of control. gregg: federal judge in phoenix could rule any day now on arizona s controversial immigration law. after the department of justice and attorneys for arizona s governor squared off in district judge susan bolton s courtroom.
employee work rules, surface curbing the amount of unused vacation and sick tile and giving towns the right to furlough public employees. back to you martha. martha: tough fight. eric shawn in the newsroom. bill: meantime, she is at the top of her party and a top pundit says that sarah palin is the one to deal with come 2012 but what do recent e-mails say about the coverage she gets? great panel, fair and balanced debate on that in a matter of moments. martha: bp says it is close to a permanent fix for that oil gusher but could the weather forecast start to throw a wrench in those plans? during the break, you can read all about it, all the latest on the oil spill we ve got today, check out the interactive front page, a live report on all of this comes up after the break, the very latest coming at you in minutes.
they re behind monies that they re supposed to be paying the government and the interior department, tomorrow, going to be talking about that a lot. there are a lot of issues still on the table the but tonight we can all take at least a sigh of relief and not have to watch half of our screen right now being that oil gusher. absolutely. doug brinkley, as always appreciate your time. john hofmeister, thank you both of you for joining us tonight. appreciate it. thanks. folks, don t go anywhere. could be an important hour, as we hope to learn if the cap will keep holding. it has been nearly five hours since oil last emptied into the gulf. anderson cooper will join me live from new orleans coming up next.
shepard: 86 days later, more on the top stories. the delays in the work to stop the oil leak in the gulf. look at the site of the leak. there it is, your oil gusher. around this time yesterday we were reporting about a new cap that bp installed on the well. it s still there but not doing anything. bp reports the government told had to delay testing because of the worries of what could happen. oil executives stopped drilling the primary relief well. why the delays? when do they get back on track? we re not getting any answers from bp or the government. here with us to figure it out, director thegy geo sciences at the university of texas. a lot of our friends in the gulf south expect whatever they say, it will not work out that way. but it feels it s closer than we were, right? this has a potential to work,