swat teams and make sure that other oil rigs are safe. apantly this one did apparently this one did not have the kind of automatic shut-off system that other rigs have. if that will help and other rigs are safer, i think he should go ahead with the policy. bret: there are many questions how this happened in the explosion as the investigation continues. just to put it in perspective, if this well cannot be closed it will be 100,000 barrels of oil, 4.2 million gallons. by comparison, the exxon valdez was 11 million gallons in 1989 in alaska. still a big deal for gulf coast residents. a big deal and a big disaster. i think you will see a reset button pushed on the oil drilling plan that the president announced last month, because what we will see, the oil slicks play out over the weeks and possibly
spill of national significance. at this point, the trajectory has the spill, leading edge of oil reaching landfall in mississippi delta region later tomorrow. the announcement made of secretary salazar about a five-year drilling plan is the beginning of a process. obviously what is occurring now will also be taken into consideration as the administration looks to how to advance that plan and what makes sense and what might need to be adjusted. reporter: is the managers reconsidering the policy on offshore oil drilling as the recovery evident really an effort to stop the oil slick, as you look at the video, from reaching land? it s three miles in the mississippi river delta and spewing 5,000 barrels a day in the gulf, five times more than originally thought. what about this? the politics and clean-up. bill kristol, editor of the weekly standard. nina easton from fortune
we all agree with that. we agree it shouldn t be dished out for free. what we all gri on sh where we disagree is i have a plan to make sure taxes reward work. to get you off benefits, his priority is to give tax breaks to double millionaires. that s a big difference, it is a big choice. the institute of physician fiscal studies say it is highly spec law speculative. they are not out. you are too big of a risk on the economy like david is. you lower inflation and low the interest rates and get the economy moving. don t take money down and shrink it. that s a way to get people back to work. now to a question from
it is so people are actually building houses. if we scrap the top down targets that makes communities so angry and reward councils that build homes for families like yours. nick clegg? this is one of the things that along with immigration i hear about more than anything else. the lack of affordable housing. but there are 1.8 million families, that s 5 million people who are on the waisting list. what do you do about it? i would do three things. there are hundreds of thousands of empty properties in our community boarded up and no doubt many in birnling ham too. for a relatively modest amount of money you can con convert into homes people live in. it is just to the right and people either can t afford it, like you, anna. we have a plan to convert 250,000 empty homes into homes
things, hands down, sending swat teams and make sure that other oil rigs are safe. apantly this one did apparently this one did not have the kind of automatic shut-off system that other rigs have. if that will help and other rigs are safer, i think he should go ahead with the policy. bret: there are many questions how this happened in the explosion as the investigation continues. just to put it in perspective, if this well cannot be closed it will be 100,000 barrels of oil, 4.2 million gallons. by comparison, the exxon valdez was 11 million gallons in 1989 in alaska. still a big deal for gulf coast residents. a big deal and a big disaster. i think you will see a reset button pushed on the oil drilling plan that the president announced last month, because what we will see, the oil slicks play out