BJP moves in Haryana again showcased its ability to quickly manage trouble. Will it pay off in polls? In a day marked by fast moving developments, BJP in Haryana dumped its erstwhile coalition partner and.
Silicon Valley used to be such a liberal bastion that techies, startup founders and CEOs supporting Republicans used to hide how they voted and donated. Recent years have seen Peter Thiel, Marc Andreessen, and most.
SBI will finally submit details of electoral bonds (EBs) to EC. In an embarrassing day at SC yesterday, SBI’s application asking for an extension of the deadline to June 30 was dismissed. Separately, EC has.
War’s always a tragedy. As we see in American policy on Gaza, it’s also a farce War will make nations do foolish things. That holds for even the most powerful ones. US is currently sending.
Their life is our soap opera. It is our interest in the super-rich that shows like Billions and Succession cash in on. But what family dysfunctions in these shows often miss is the extent to.