Joi, 12 August 2021 - Nu mai putin de noua partide s-au disputat miercuri in Cupa Monitorul, unul dintre cele mai interesante dueluri fiind cel dintre junii Matei Lungu si Razvan Maciuc. Alte sase meciuri se afla in programul de joi. Un numar de 250 de participanti s-au inscris la Cupa Monitorul 2021, care au fost impartiti la tragerea la sorti in mai multe categorii, in functie de nivelul de joc al fiecaruia si de varsta.
Officials with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) say crews are working to clear ice off of the I-10 Mississippi River Bridge in Baton Rouge.
Construction on I-10/I-12/College Drive flyover ramp to begin in March 2021 By Austin Kemker | February 2, 2021 at 4:23 PM CST - Updated February 2 at 7:00 PM
BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) - Construction to simplify the process of exiting to College Drive from I-10 will begin in March, according to the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD).
The project will include a flyover from I-10 that will allow traffic to merge into the far right lanes of the interstate before College Drive, instead of having to cut across multiple lanes after the two interstates merge.
“The idea that we’re going to have nearly a half mile exit ramp for college from I-12 and I-10 is going to make that intersection a lot smoother and eliminate some of the mainline traffic and congestion you see on i-10,” said Dr. Shawn Wilson, Secretary of DOTD.
world moving. don t kid yourself. everything changes. we re in constant. they talk about climate change. the only constant in life is change. it usually happens slowly so you don t notice it. we find ourselves in a situation now and say how did it get here? it hasn t. it s been changing forever. if you look back a hundred years you can see the change. few you gow bah 50 or 20 years. think where you were on 9/11 and what things were like on 9 i 12. think how drastically it s changed in that time or since the election of obama. things are changing. powerful people are working to change things. lots of money. billions of dollars. trillions are at stake. is that moving us in a positive direction?