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9 Things to Remember When Saying Tehillim for the Sick
By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Please Daven on behalf of R’ Chaim Shlomo ben Rochel, a talmid chochom and tzaddik There is a fascinating Zohar
Tehillim halichos shlomo tefillah
Rambam hilchos avodah zarah
Ruach hakodesh
Chashukei chemed brachos
King david
Yair hoffman
Dovid hamelech
Rav moshe shternbuch
Halichos shlomo
Ohr yechezkel
Moshe rabbeinu
Sefer chassidim
Rav shlomo zalman auerbach
Chasam sofer nedarim
Rav chatzkel levenstein
Likutei teshuvos
Shabbos Hagadol, the Gateway to Geulah
Even poshute Yidden of previous generations sensed the momentousness of Shabbos Hagadol
Israel general
United states
Czech republic
Hinei anochi
Yom tov
Rav shimon schwab
Chofetz chaim
Rav elchonon wasserman
Rav nosson wachtfogel
Yetzias mitzrayim
Rav moshe
Eliyah hanavi
Shabbos hagadol
Smak sefer hamitzvos hakatan
Yom hashem
Darchei moshe
Rebuilding the Walls
The Three Weeks is a time to strive to bring back the focus, the love, the desire for connection with Hashem
Israel general
Dovid hofstedter
Rav tzaddok hakohein
Beis hamikdash
Rav yechezkel levenstein
Shemoneh esreh
Rav schorr
Sichos mussar
Mshabbos kodesh
Bircas hamazon
Yeshayahu hanavi
Asar btammuz
Rav wolbe
Bnei yisrael
Ezra hasofer
Ohr yechezkel
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